GadgetsYears ago I was intriged by hot dog cookers, pasta makers, and other bizarre gadgets which have since moved on through garage sales! Since my first TRS-80 Microcomputer in 1977 most of the gadgets have been electronic. Gadgets go way back to the beginning for me. As long as I can remember — tinker toys, Lincoln logs, erector sets, chemistry sets, and ham radio. Too bad they didn’t have LEGO’s when I was a kid. I am not sure where the gadget interest comes from. It must not be genetic because no one else in the family shares my love of gadgets. The common thing about gadgets is that they are all about technology of some kind and I love technology.

Upside Magazine (now defunct) mentioned my gadgets in a story they called “Toys for Titans“. Not long after, July 4, 1997, I saw the ultimate gadget. Many people have written to me about their gadgets and I have found that there are many who consider themselves a “gadget person”. One of them has made a business out of it and calls himself the GadgetGuru. Oh, and remember DAK? Maybe you, like me, were a DAKonian? Well, DAK is back as eDAK. See DAK Industries 2000.

The gadget section has been hard to keep current over the years and I have quite a bit of updating to do. Rather than delete any of the “inventory”, there is now a Gadget Archives page to preserve the sentiment. More recent gadgets and stories that are gadget related will appear in the gadget section of the weblog. PC related things are on the hardware page.