Kindle with Attitude books


Home Attitude is doing well with six 5-star reviews now on Amazon. Sales of Home Attitude are 55/45 print/Kindle, but with the introductory price of $4.49, I expect the Kindle version to pull ahead. The 24 figures/pictures and 12 tables throughout the book are rendered very nicely on the Kindle screen.

All four Attitude books are now available in print and Kindle. Health Attitude and Election Attitude are also available in Audible format. The Audible app has been improved and is now excellent. If anyone would like a free copy of either Audible book, in return for a review on Amazon, just let me know

The seven short video clips are in production. The first one went live on YouTube today. It is less than two minutes, and hopefully provides a good introduction to what Home Attitude is about. I will post one each week in the e-brief. I will also make the combined seven videos available as soon as the editing is complete. One of the most powerful marketing tools is word of mouth “holiday attitude”, so if you like what you hear about any of my books, please tell your friends and family or forward a copy of the e-brief. Check out the new “Forward to a Friend” icon which will appear at the end of the e-brief on Saturday mornings. Happy Holidays!