HotelSome people don’t agree with me that we are only 5% of the way into what we can ultimately expect from the Internet, but everyday I see examples that convince me that it is true. Tonight I visited Hilton Hotels online and tried to reserve a room. I got the following user-friendly message….
We’re sorry but we are unable to process your login. You may book your reservations without login. Be sure to provide your HHonors account number on the Guest Information form.
I know I have an account and I know the password. I tried various options and finally gave up and called. After multiple "please pay attention because our menus have recently changed" routines I got to a person. She was very nice and informed me that the "servers are down for maintenance every Thursday evening from 9-11 PM". I could try again after 11PM or try again in the morning. What amazed me most was that this person thought that was ok. She has been convinced by the company that this is just how it is. Don’t they realize that for two hours customers will just click on ""? And don’t they realize in California the "maintenance" is closing out customers from 6-8 PM? And that in many parts of Asia, is prime morning time? What could they be thinking? Certainly not about customers and on demand.