Cedars-Sinai has integrated Apple Inc.’s Health app with the hospital’s electronic health record (EHR) system for more than 80,000 patients. The implementation means when one of the hospital’s patients uses any of the hundreds of apps that create data for the Apple Health database, the data will be retrievable by the physicians who may treat the patients. For example, if a patient has congestive heart failure (CHF) and they use an iPhone compatible blood pressure device, a cardiologist can see the trend of the patient’s blood pressure. Not just when a doctor checks the blood pressure during a visit but the trend defined by the patient. It could be daily, weekly, or hourly.

The Apple watch will play a major role in the health of millions. It can measure activity level and heart rate and that data will automatically show up in the patient’s EHR. There are many questions and issues about how EHR’s and devices like the Apple Watch will interact. One thing is clear: this is the beginning of data-driven healthcare.

I will share more about this development and the many other exciting developments in healthcare here at the Attitude LLC blog. You can also read more about telehealth and the role of mobile devices in Health Attitude.

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