IBM LogoThe month of February was cold in many places but hot for IBM. There was a slew of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and corporate initiatives. The announcements made by the company during the month are below, and the complete Index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here.

List of Announcements for February 2006

IBM introduces BladeCenter H systems

The new high-performance systems, called IBM BladeCenter H, provide businesses up to 10 times the capacity to move data across their networks.

IBM acquires Viacore, Inc.

Viacore, Inc. is a leading provider of business process integration solutions for real-time supply chain visibility.

IBM chipset boosts wireless communications

IBM scientists have created a chipset that could allow wireless electronic devices to transmit and receive data ten times faster than today’s advanced WiFi networks.

IBM unveils Cell Broadband Engine computer

The new blade computing system gives businesses the dense computing power and unique capabilities of the Cell BE processor to tackle tasks involving graphic-intensive, numeric applications.

IBM software automates print environments

IBM’s Infoprint ProcessDirector, a new software product for high speed production printers, is a customizable process management system that automates many tasks.

Freescale Semiconductor joins

Freescale will collaborate on enhancements to a seamless, compatible instruction set architecture designed to accommodate a wide range of platforms.

IBM, Statoil to develop solutions for oil and gas

IBM has entered into an agreement with Statoil to develop solutions for existing and new oil and gas fields.

IBM launches information management initiative

IBM will invest $1 billion over three years to expand its information management software to help clients deliver more business value from information.

IBM introduces new System p5 servers

IBM introduced eight new System p5 servers, including several based on the fastest POWER 5+ processors available, including the breakthrough Quad-Core Module technology.

IBM launches Identity Management Services

IBM Identity Management Services is an end-to-end portfolio of capabilities that cover the entire identity management lifecycle — from identity proofing, to user provisioning, to access control.

IBM, Scripps to collaborate on pandemic research

The new initiative will include a “collaboratory” in South Florida, to focus and accelerate the pace of discovery for advanced research of infectious diseases, such as Avian Influenza.

IBM, Spector sign outsourcing contract

Spector Photo Group NV has chosen IBM as its outsourcing partner for the Group’s strategic digital expansion project.

IBM software helps thwart insider threats

Tivoli Identity Manager Express helps thwart insider attacks by blocking user accounts that a company has neglected to cancel when employees leave a company.

IBM demos path to extend optical lithography

IBM scientists have found a way extend optical lithography techniques to generate smaller chip circuits, potentially postponing the semiconductor industry’s high-risk conversion to an alternative.

Wing Lung Bank selects IBM to speed growth

IBM China/Hong Kong Limited will transform Wing Lung Bank’s products, services and customer channels, as well as support its expansion into mainland China.

IBM helps nonprofit with procurement

The Georgia Center for Nonprofits has been working with IBM to build a platform for collaborative sourcing to improve procurement operations across 1,400 local nonprofit groups.

IBM wins Georgia services contract

IBM won a contract with the State of Georgia to manage its information-technology assets, as well as its fleet and facilities inventory.

IBM software automates IT for SMB

IBM’s new Tivoli Express software enables mid-sized companies to manage their information technology with the same capabilities that larger companies rely on.

CEOs expect innovation to drive growth

According to the IBM Global CEO Study 2006, CEOs stated that approximately two-thirds of their efforts are now targeted at business model and operational innovation.

IBM expands midrange storage offerings

Among the new offerings is the new IBM System Storage DS4000 EXP810, a four gigabit per second capable expansion unit for increased density and capacity.

Initiative gives users control of personal data

IBM, Novell and Parity Communications are contributing to the initiative, code-named “Project Higgins”, that will give people control over their personal online information.

COSCON transforms business with SOA

COSCON selected IBM’s SOA Design Center in Beijing to create a solution to allow its internal business to better interoperate with its customers, partners and suppliers.