IBM LogoThe month of February was another busy one at IBM. There was a slew of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. The announcements made by the company during the month are below, and the complete Index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here.
One announcement that I found particularly interesting was that IBM scientists — in collaboration with the University of Regensburg in Germany — were able to measure the force it takes to move individual atoms on a surface. This was the first time that this has ever been done.
Understanding the force necessary to move specific atoms on specific surfaces is one of the keys to designing and constructing the small structures that will enable future nanotechnologies. Building a steel or concrete bridge would be impossible without understanding the forces on the various structures — likewise when building things at the atomic level. Miniaturizing storage and computing devices to the ultimate limit – the scale of just a few atoms – will require radically new designs and manufacturing methods and the breakthrough ability to measure the force it takes to move an atom will become a fundamental ingredient. Nanotechnology will be changing our lives in the years ahead by enabling vast amounts of personal information storage and incredible new capabilities in healthcare, and just about everything around us will contain amazing new materials.

List of Announcements for February 2008

IBM unveils Cognos strategy

IBM unveiled an expanded business strategy and roadmap—bolstered by the company’s acquisition of Cognos—to help clients unlock the business value of information.

IBM opens Global Delivery Center in India

IBM significantly expanded its operations in the state of Uttar Pradesh with the inauguration of a new Global Delivery Center in Noida.

Technology leaders join OpenID Foundation

The OpenID Foundation announced that Google, IBM, Microsoft, VeriSign and Yahoo! have joined as its first corporate board members.

IBM, EU launch cloud computing initiative

IBM is leading a joint research initiative of 13 European partners to develop technologies that help automate the fluctuating demand for IT resources in a cloud computing environment.

IBM paper addresses business value of emerging technologies

“Value 2.0” describes how businesses are improving performance and creating value by applying eight new rules in using the emerging technologies of Web 2.0 and social computing.

IBM establishes water management center

The IBM Global Center of Excellence for Water Management in Amsterdam will help IBM’s public sector clients worldwide to develop enhanced prediction and protection systems for low-lying coastal areas and river deltas.

The Hormel Institute buys IBM Supercomputer

The Hormel Institute, a medical research unit of the University of Minnesota, will become the first research laboratory in the state to employ the world’s most powerful supercomputer design, the IBM Blue Gene.

IBM introduces next generation storage offerings

IBM announced new first-to-market information infrastructure platform offerings and enhancements across a broad range of its disk and tape storage portfolio.

IBM solution ends security appliance sprawl

IBM’s Telecom Integrated Solution for Security optimizes security systems operations and simplifies management for both fixed and mobile environments.

Businesses seek growth through social responsibility

An IBM study found that many companies now see corporate social responsibility as a growth opportunity rather than just a regulatory compliance or philanthropic effort.

IBM teams with universities on 21st century skills

IBM is teaming with UCLA and North Carolina State University to deliver new courses on programming languages that have become the foundation of the emerging web-based economy.

IBM unveils Economic Stimulus Advantage Offering

IBM will pass along some of the benefits IBM receives under the new US economic stimulus package to U.S. businesses looking to access technology equipment in 2008.

Computerworld names IBM top green IT company

IDG’s Computerworld has selected IBM as the top Green IT Company for 2008 in Computerworld’s very first Top Green IT Companies feature.

IBM scientists measure force required to move individual atoms

IBM scientists, in collaboration with the University of Regensburg in Germany, are the first ever to measure the force it takes to move individual atoms on a surface.

IBM announces new telecom expense management service

IBM’s Telecom Expense Management Service will help companies manage the skyrocketing volume and expense of the myriad telecommunications services neededto stay competitive in business.

IBM System Storage wins brand award

IBM System Storage has been awarded the Brand Impact Award in the Enterprise Storage category from leading technology brand marketing organization Liquid Agency.

PlaySpan standardizes on IBM

PlaySpan is working with IBM to bring a fully integrated, cross-platform commerce service to the games and interactive entertainment market.

IBM launches new System z10 mainframe

The IBM System z10 increases data center efficiency by significantly improving performance and reducing power, cooling costs and floor space requirements.

IBM software bolsters mainframe

The new IBM Tivoli Service Management Center for System z automates the management of complex IT disciplines and allows policy driven processes to be seamlessly managed.

IBM solution helps government agencies cut waste

IBM Maximo Government helps government agencies and their contractors improve the monitoring of goods and services they deliver to the public.

IBM unveils prototype optical network technology

IBM researchers unveiled a prototype technology that could bring massive amounts of bandwidth in an energy-efficient way to all kinds of machines — from supercomputers to cell phones.

IBM unveils next generation of Enterprise Health Analytics

IBM’s Enterprise Health Analytics solutions help health systems leverage their data-rich environments, transforming data into high-value clinical, business and research information.