IBM LogoThe month of March was a busy one at IBM with a flurry of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. The complete index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here. One of the major focus areas for IBM in 2009 will continue to be related to a “smarter planet“. See Sam Palmisano’s letter to investors for the full story on why the company is so optimistic. The Internet has made the world much smaller and “flatter” and now the next turn of the crank will make the world “smarter”. IBM has a vision about introducing intelligence into the way the world actually works — into the systems and processes that enable goods to be developed, manufactured, sold, bought, transported, and serviced.
IBM intends to help make business decision makers “smarter” too. The company has announced the creation of a new consulting organization that will focus on “advanced business analytics and business optimization”. What a mouthful. IBM Business Analytics and Optimization Services will draw on the company’s deep expertise in vertical industries, mathematics and information management to help clients improve the speed and quality of business decisions. The service is designed to help decision makers understand the consequences of actions under consideration and actually see business outcomes that will result.
The IBM experts and their arsenal of tools are able to construct a digital model of the client’s business or a functional aspect of their business. For example, some companies have handled their distribution channel in a certain way, well because they have always handled it that way. With a digital model of their distribution channel the IBM experts could then help clients simulate the many “what if” questions. What if we used trains instead of planes, company trucks instead of overnight delivery company trucks, a central distribution center or one in each region, or outsourced distribution centers managed by the overnight delivery companies. Etc. By connecting multiple digital models of the processes of a business, decision makers can see their next year’s annual report in advance and in fact see hundreds of them each based on a different combination of “what ifs”. While the planet is getting smarter — with IBM’s help — business leaders can too.

List of Announcements for March 2009

IBM offering helps “green” government

The IBM Public Sector Energy and Environment Diagnostic can help governments better understand their overall performance on environmental issues.assets.

IBM Research, SAP demonstrate new cloud technology

In a demonstration at CeBIT, IBM and SAP previewed a technology that enables the live migration of SAP applications across remote IBM POWER6 systems via cloud computing.

IBM unveils new database software

IBM’s new Informix database software allows companies to both warehouse their data and conduct ultra-fast online transactions with a simplified software platform.

Foxconn, IBM to deploy GreenCert in Taiwan

GreenCert is the world’s first enterprise content management system that can accurately calculate and certify the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by a facility.

IBM scientists track heat in rolls of carbon atoms

IBM scientists announced the development and demonstration of novel techniques to measure the distribution of energy and heat in powered carbon nanotube devices.

IBM, Danish hospital pioneer smarter patient records

An IBM technology innovation for electronic patient records, using a 3D model of the human body, has proved valuable in a first test at Thy-Mors Hospital.

IBM named 2009 CRN Channel Champion

The CRN Channel Champions study measures overall Solution Providerperceptions of vendor products and services.

IBM introduces endpoint security offering

IBM Proventia Endpoint Secure Control is designed to enable enterprises to escape from the constraints of vendor lock-in and to enhance endpoint security, compliance and operations at a lower cost.

IBM, Dassault Systèmes help BMW deliver fuel-efficient cars

BMW will use CATIA software for the design of all BMW engines across its fuel and diesel-powered cars and its eco-friendly, hybrid cars.

IBM recognized for corporate citizenship

IBM has ranked #3 overall on Corporate Responsibility Officer Magazine’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens List, outranking all other information technology companies.

IBM unveils technologies, services to combat water issues

IBM unveiled its first portfolio of smart water services and technologies, and a scientific breakthrough – a more energy-efficient membrane that reliably filters out salts and deadly toxins.

Corporate Service Corps to tackle problems in emerging markets

Two hundred of IBM’s future leaders will take part in IBM’s Corporate Service Corps program, part of the Global Citizen’s Portfolio initiative, in Brazil, China, Malaysia and South Africa.

IBM World Community Grid to address childhood cancer

IBM, the Chiba Cancer Center Research Institute and Chiba University in Japan are launching a new World Community Grid project to discover a drug treatment for neuroblastoma.

Travelport taps IBM to enhance travel services

Travelport has selected IBM to assist in the modernization and consolidation of its data centers into a single, Atlanta-based facility.

Kaiser Permanente teams with IBM

IBM and Kaiser Permanente have entered into a strategic agreement designed to ensure the continued leadership of Kaiser Permanente’s IT capabilities.

IBM, MedVirginia and SSA unveil health records exchange

IBM, MedVirginia and the U.S. Social Security Administration announced a first-of-a-kind electronic records exchange system to help speed the process of granting disability benefits for millions of Americans.

IBM helps modernize rapid transit in China

IBM will help Guangzhou Metro Corporation manage all of its IT and physical assets including four commuter lines, 60 stations and more than 116 kilometers of track.

Volkswagen and IBM create smart supply chain

IBM is working with Volkswagen Group, Europe’s leading vehicle manufacturer, to improve the automaker’s material logistics operations through the useof sensor technology.

IBM to help mortgage industry aid homeowners

IBM announced a new offering that enables mortgage loan servicers to process large volumes of loan modification requests with greater speed, efficiency and accuracy.

Ringnes taps IBM to improve logistics operations

Ringnes, Norway’s largest brewery, is using IBM sensor technology to gain greater visibility into its logistics operations to better serve retailers and consumers.

GTEL selects IBM to build service network

Gtel Mobile has selected IBM to build a high performance IT infrastructure, mobile service network and a range of business solutions to support its commercial launch.