IBM LogoBack in June 2004 I posted a list of news stories about IBM on patrickWeb. I called the list “IBM Happenings“. Feedback was quite positive from both IBMers and non-IBMers. IBM Happenings are lists of stories in the public domain but having them in one place once a month seems to be useful to a number of people. After a year I posted a question asking if the lists were still of value and got validation that they are. With the new Greater IBM blog, it seemed a logical step to post it here too.

The month of May was filled with a slew of IBM announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and corporate initiatives. I am particularly excited about IBM’s leadership with OpenAjax. There are a few skeptics emerging and that is how I know that Ajax is sure to be a really big thing. It will change the Internet experience for all of us more than anything so far. The announcements made by the company during the month are below and the complete Index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here.

List of Announcements for May 2006

Fast Growing OpenAjax Adds 13 New Members

New OpenAjax members announced today include, Adobe, Backbase, Fair Isaac, ICEsoft, Innoopract, Intel, JackBe, Opera, SAP, Scalix, Software AG, Tibco and XML11. These new members join the initial members, including BEA, Borland, the Dojo Foundation, Eclipse Foundation, Google, IBM, Laszlo Systems, Mozilla Corporation, Novell, Openwave Systems, Oracle, Red Hat, Yahoo!, Zend and Zimbra.