IBM LogoThe month of May was another busy one at IBM with a flurry of announcements in hardware, software, services, acquisitions, and strategic alliances. The complete index of IBM Happenings (by year and month) is here. A major focus area in addition to a "smarter planet" is an effort using IBM’s World Community Grid “virtual supercomputer” — consisting of the spare computing power of more than a million personal computers around the world — to allow laboratory tests on drug candidates for drug-resistant influenza strains and new strains, such as H1N1.
Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch will use the World Community Grid to identify the chemical compounds most likely to stop the spread of the influenza viruses and begin testing these under laboratory conditions. The computational work adds up to thousands of years of computer time which will be compressed into just months using the vast computing grid. As many as 10% of the drug candidates identified by calculations on the grid will hopefully show antiviral activity in the laboratory and move to clinical testing.
Influenza claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world each year and the current H1N1 virus outbreak is a reminder of how quickly influenza mutates and how easily new strains of the virus emerge. Traditional methods of flu vaccine development can not keep up with the high rate at which viruses change. The World Community Grid can run virtual chemistry experiments to determine which of the millions of small molecules can attach to the influenza virus and inhibit it from spreading. There is the potential to make the world a better place because of this project.
If you want to donate unused computer time to the World Community Grid, take a look at

List of Announcements for May 2009

IBM acquires Exeros assets

IBM acquires Exeros assets
Exeros’ technology uncovers hidden relationships between databases, helping users make sense of disparate data sources much faster than otherwise possible.

IBM helps organizations design and deliver smarter products

IBM announced a new software platform and related services to help product manufacturers and designers create innovative products that help people work and live smarter.

IBM builds on business process transformation leadership

IBM is expanding on the technologies gained through the ILOG acquisition, while also updating its existing business process management suite of products.

IBM launches effort to find flu drug treatments

IBM’s World Community Grid will be used for laboratory tests on drug candidates for drug-resistant influenza strains and new strains, such as H1N1, in less than a month.

IBM helps build a smart taxation service system

The TISIR project is expected to deliver significant cost savings through improvements in taxation processes, service delivery and by building a more cost-efficient data center.

IBM ushers in stream computing era

IBM announced the availability of its unique “stream computing” software that enables massive amounts of data to be analyzed in real time, delivering extremely fast, accurate insights to enable smarter business decision-making.

IBM establishes healthcare centre in France

The Global Healthcare Centre of Excellence located in La Gaude, France will help healthcare clients design and create solutions that enable smarter individual health and wellness.

IBM announces beta release of Lotus Notes 8.5.1 with iPhone support

IBM today announced the beta release of Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1, including plans to support Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync in version 8.5.1 of Lotus Notes Traveler.

IBM helps Slovenia build smart insurance system

The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia will roll out a new electronic health insurance card system based on IBM technology across the country.

IBM, Intuit help businesses work smarter

The IBM and Intuit agreement combines IBM’s Smart Business solution with Intuit’s QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions financial management software.

IBM and FXA Group to help improve food safety

IBM and FXA Group announced a first of a kind collaboration that will accelerate the adoption of traceability solutions to improve global food safety in Vietnam.

IBM, Russian Railways optimize rail operations

Russian Railways is working with IBM to help optimize its IT infrastructure and is using new technologies to improve its freight and passenger management system.

IBM, Ferrosan sign seven-year outsourcing contract

Ferrosan A/S, an international consumer and healthcare company based in Denmark, announced a seven-year agreement for IBM to manage Ferrosan’s IT infrastructure.

IBM and Salerno cooperate to develop a smarter city

Salerno is the third Italian city to create an Innovation Board with IBM to identify and design a new model for a sustainable city through a range of digital solutions.

IBM outlines new model for healthcare

IBM announced the findings of a major healthcare study that underscores the critical need for a new model of care called the Patient Centered Medical Home.

IBM launches Vietnam innovation center

The IBM Innovation Center in Vietnam will help local communities support demand for digital infrastructure projects in banking, telecommunications, energy and government industries.

IBM Global Financing helps accelerate infrastructure initiatives

IBM is making up to $3 billion available to finance IT initiatives in key economic stimulus projects in Europe and Asia-Pacific through IBM Global Financing.

U.S. Lumber improves business performance with IBM

IBM has provided U.S. Lumber Group with a business intelligence solution that is providing the company with in-depth reporting capabilities in real time.

UNC Health Care, IBM speed treatment development

IBM has teamed with University of North Carolina Health Care to speed the development of new treatments for diseases such as diabetes, cystic fibrosis and cancer.