IBM LogoAfter thirty-eight years at IBM, it was hard to cut the cord. One of my self-appointed duties as an e-tiree has been to post news clips of things going on at the company. Fortunately, there is a lot going on there! I post what I call “IBM Happenings” more or less once a month. Not sure if I will do this forever but people seem to find it useful. Click a thumbs up or down after the postings to let me know what you think. There is an archive of the news clips since I began posting back in 2004.

List of Announcements for May-June 2010

IBM helps clients simplify their IT

IBM announced new products and services designed to simplify the way that clients manage their IT environments by delivering specialized capabilities associated with cloud, integration and scalability.

IBM research effort examines human health

IBM launched a multi-year research effort to enable individuals, governments and businesses to better understand which actions to take to improve human health.

IBM, TTI collaborate on intelligent transportation

IBM and Texas Transportation Institute have agreed to collaborate on research and development of intelligent transportation projects in Texas and beyond.

New software personalizes customer relationship strategies

The new software enables users to analyze information from social media sources and then merge that with vast internal data for faster insight and predictive intelligence.

IBM opens cloud laboratory in Singapore

IBM announced the opening of a cloud computing laboratory in Singapore to help businesses and government design, adopt and reap benefits of cloud technologies.

IBM releases 2010 Global CEO Study

The survey of more than 1,500 CEOs worldwide finds that creativity — more than discipline, integrity or even vision —  is needed to successfully navigate an increasing complex world.

IBM moves predictive analytics into new era

IBM SPSS Decision Management software places the power of predictive analytics directly into the hands of business users for faster, more insightful decision making.

IBM announces new x86 systems

The new x86 systems leverage IBM software and hardware to deliver optimized performance and speed rollouts of high-performance clusters.

IBM announces new PartnerWorld program benefits

IBM announced new capabilities to help IBM Business Partners deepen their skills to deliver high-value solutions for clients, while creating opportunities for growth.

IBM software, services help clients take advantage of data

IBM announced new software and services designed to help organizations take advantage of the growing and diverse forms of data and content.

IBM, Hildebrand to bring smart metering to homes across Britain

IBM is teaming with energy consultant Hildebrand to help consumers make more informed decisions about their energy consumption with IBM data management software.

IBM to acquire Coremetrics

Coremetrics will expand IBM’s business analytics capabilities by enabling organizations to use a cloud-based delivery model to gain real-time insight into consumer interactions.

IBM releases Global Student Study

The study, “Inheriting a Complex World: Future Leaders Envision Sharing the Planet,” reflects the consolidated view of more than 3,600 students in more than 40 countries.

IBM announces offerings for the mobile business market

IBM unveiled a range of new software, services and research offerings designed to bring a new level of intelligence to the fast-growing mobile enterprise market.

IBM opens software lab in Massachusetts

The IBM Mass Lab is creating software that manages some of the world’s most complex process and infrastructure problems such as modernizing and automating the world’s physical infrastructures.

IBM announces Lotus Notes Traveler for Android

Lotus Notes Traveler for And roid beta version is no-charge software that provides two-way, over-the-air synchronization of information between Lotus Domino and mobile devices.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts signs services agreement

IBM and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts announced a new five-year services agreement in which IBM will transform the organization’s IT environment.

IBM, Esty Environmental Partners to address sustainability

A group of major companies have formed the Sustainability Innovators Working Group — aiming to define and develop new approaches to environmental management and corporate sustainability.

IBM, SCWA to address water management in California

IBM and the Sonoma County Water Agency have teamed up to address the pressing problem of water management in the heart of Northern California’s wine country.

New IBM software helps manage electronic trading

IBM unveiled a new technology platform designed to transform how financial services firms manage the data and transaction volumes generated by capital markets around the world.

Wall Street firms to increase IT spend through 2011

A new survey of IT Wall Street professionals reveals that almost one-half expect 20-30% of their technology budget to be allocated for transformational initiatives in 2010 and 2011.