On August 23, 2016, I was interviewed at Thomson Reuters in New York City about Internet voting. This is the first of a series of eight video clips from the interview (watch all eight here). Many Americans are asking why we can’t vote on the Internet. The Internet has added convenience to many aspects of our lives: banking, healthcare, education, entertainment, and e-commerce. It is central to our everyday lives, except for voting. Anti-Internet voting activists say the Internet is too insecure for voting. They compare it to a perfect Internet with perfect computers and smartphones, a technical environment we will never have. They refuse to compare it to the voting system we have today which eliminates millions of votes because of inability to get to the polls, ballots lost in the mail, problems at polling places, errors made in antiquated voting machines, and errors in voting registration databases. Internet voting can be a reality if we can muster the political and technical will to make it happen. Several states and the military have had successful pilots validating the concept. Surveys show voters like the online voting experience and believe it should be expanded for all. In the Utah GOP caucus earlier in 2016, citizens voted from 45 countries. Millions of military and overseas citizens have lost faith in voting my mail. It will take time to prepare the infrastructure, to make it secure, private, and verifiable, but it can be done. Now is the time to focus on how to make it work, not how to criticize it.