Voter walking to the polls

On Monday, I will be flying to New York to attend the 23rd annual Genesys Venture Dinner at The Union League Club. This year, there will be a special pre-dinner Forum called “Internet voting on trial: Problem or Panacea for Democracy?” Following is how the organizers describe the Mock Trial and Forum.

When 100 million eligible voters don’t show up, it’s time to re-examine Democracy’s most important vetting process and create new solutions. Ken Auletta (best-selling author and journalist for The New Yorker) will conduct a mock trial of Internet voting with a panel that includes John Patrick (former Internet chief, IBM, and author of Election Attitude – How Internet Voting Leads to a Stronger Democracy), Greg Miller (Co-founder of Internet voting skeptic OSET– Open Systems Election Technology Foundation), and Minerva Tantoco, Senior Advisor, Future \Perfect Ventures and Chief Technology Officer, City Strategies, LLC). They will cross-examine technology solutions that could enlarge the voting base, while still protecting privacy and security. But will this quiet the skeptics?

I look forward to a healthy debate.