Cell phoneA number of people commented about the mini review of the iPhone from yesterday. Early experience from others mostly matches mine but some have pointed out things I missed — both positive and negative. After another day of use I am also learning new things that you can or can’t do. One thing I don’t like is the way SMS works. A list of your prior messages is available but I have not been able to figure out how to send another message to someone in the list without having to key in their name again. With regard to Safari it was pointed out to me that you can zoom the screen. You can either double-tap on the screen or use two fingers to touch and either pinch or reverse- pinch. If you want to see a "pinch" in action take a look here. The zoom is a very nice feature but I still find the browser to be quirky. I suspect it will be compared to the new Opera mini version 4 which is now in beta. All things considered after the first few days, I am still captivated by the iPhone. I am sure many more things will be learned in the days ahead. I especially look forward to seeing some new applications become available. One thing I suspect many people would like to see is a chat client. Meebo works through the browser but it is not really designed for mobile.