Healthcare Cost

The Health Research Institute (HRI) at PwC (formerly PriceWaterhouseCoopers) describes the top health industry issues it sees for 2016. They are summarized below with my own interpretation. You can read the full report at Top health industry trends and issues 2016: PwC.

2016 will see a continuation of high-profile mergers and acquisitions in the healthcare industry.
 The emerging debate about drug price will heat up. Politicians will grand stand and probably not do the right thing.
 Telehealth will expand. Consumers will have consults with doctors from smartphones anytime from anywhere.
 Cybersecurity concerns will come to medical technology. Significantly more protection will become top priority.
 High deductibles will drive consumers to ask more questions. New tools will help them find the best prices.
 Behavioral healthcare will gain in importance. Employers will eye it as key to morale, productivity, and cost control.
 Real estate will become a major healthcare issue. The point of care will move to where consumers live and work.
 Big data and analytics will become critical to help make sense from huge amounts of data about health consumers.
 Biosimilar substitutes for branded biologic drugs may offer competition and lower prices for expensive drugs.
 Healthcare providers will begin to understand their costs and become more efficient while offering improved care.