Election Attitude book cover

If you have some time to read during the Labor Day holiday, I have a suggestion for you. I am sure you know what it is. Election Attitude is off to a strong start with a lot of interest from the press. The initial review of the book is here and a press release about it on Yahoo Finance is here. The book is not about Donald or Hillary, it is non-partisan. The book is about the American systems of  voter registration and the way we vote. The Constitution delegated the management of the systems to the states, and each of the 50 administer them differently. In Health Attitude, I described how poorly healthcare information is handled, clipboards, post-its, fax machines, etc. I was surprised to find through my research the registration and voting systems are worse.

After the debacle of the year 2000 voting, the Federal government allocated $3.9 billion to enable the states to get more modern voting machines. As with many programs funded by the Federal government, no funding was provided for maintenance or upgrades. The machines are now 10-15 years old, spare parts are difficult to find, and the machines are easily hacked. Election Attitude offers solutions to this and many other problems with our current system of voting.