Letters and Documents of Robert and Virginia Patrick (1937-1998)
- Baptism Certificate – Dad: 03-07-1943
- Baptism Certificate – Mom: 01-29-1944
- Butler Butler Rosenberger invoice: 12-18-1995
- Charles K Root to Dad: 12-13-1991
- Earl Urion invoice: 10-21-1997
- Elders Appliances: 08-21-1986
- F Bell Chevrolet invoice: 01-22-1980
- Frank J Napoli to Dad: 01-09-1981
- Goldanna and Max Cramer invoice: 12-17-1996
- Invoice for 1978 Monte Carlo: 02-15-1978
- Invoice for 1983 Mercedes: 07-01-1983
- Invoice for 1986 Mercedes: 09-02-1986
- James D Patrick Memorial Fund page 1: 01-08-1981
- James D Patrick Memorial Fund page 2: 01-08-1981
- James D Patrick Memorial Fund page 3: 01-08-1981
- Mom handwriting sample
- Morant Hassler invoice: 09-22-1998
- Mortgage for Fenwick Avenue Page 1: 10-09-1941
- Mortgage for Fenwick Avenue Page 2: 10-09-1941
- Mortgage for Fenwick Avenue Page 3: 10-09-1941
- Mortgage for Fenwick Avenue Page 4: 10-09-1941
- Mortgage for Fenwick Avenue Page 5: 10-09-1941
- Mortgage for Fenwick Avenue Page 6: 10-09-1941
- Paul M Felton to Dad: 05-14-1976
- Polly McMahon to Dad: 03-05-1959
- Resolution to establish James D Patrick Memorial Fund: 01-08-1981
- Rev. Harold Anderson to Dad: 08-18-1973
- Robert E Acheson to Dad: 04-29-1958
- Sid to Dad: 11-23-1981
- Statement of settlement on Robinson sale: 09-28-1956
- Vanneman and Patrick invoice: 01-19-1939
- Vanneman and Patrick invoice: 12-27-1937
- Wm. Gamble Jewler: 02-13-1986