Doug Kaye believes in "New Ideas Through Your Headphones". He is producer of IT Conversations, a source of listener-supported audio programs, interviews and important events. Halley Suitt is a writer in Boston who loves to interview people for her program called "Memory Lane". It was a lot of fun to talk with her about some early work at IBM and the critical role of innovation. She took me way back to the earliest days of "tech toys" like Lincoln Logs, Erector Sets and Heathkits.
The complete interview can be listened to here .
All content at IT Conversations is governed by a Creative Commons License. The concept is similar to IBM’s patent commons idea that was launched earlier this week. For any of the content on Doug’s site you are free to copy, distribute, or play it as long as you give the original author credit, do not use the content for commercial purposes, you do not alter it, and you make it clear what license terms you expect of anyone who may want to reuse or distribute it. Some authors are beginning to use Creative Commons instead of the traditional copyright approach. A good example is Dan Gilmor’s new book, We The Media. The book is about grassroots journalism — "by the people, for the people". I highly recommend reading it.