Reflection Attitude includes a collection of nearly 100 articles I have written over the past thirty years. The articles span a broad range of categories including Business, Climate Change, Communications, Crypto, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Music, Research, Robotics, Science, Space, and Technology. After each article, I discuss what I got right and where I was wrong and then a short reflection on what I see in the future. Following is what some thought leaders thought of Reflection Attitude.

“John Patrick has done it again. His latest book, Reflection Attitude: Past, Present, Future, is an insightful discussion of the critical technologies and social issues which affect modern society, from bitcoin to healthcare. No dull recitation, Patrick liberally sprinkles his personal experiences, from the pleasures of motorcycling to pioneering the Internet, throughout the book. Easy and fun to read, curious readers will find Reflection Attitude hard to put down.”

Ronald H. Gruner, Founder, Alliant Computer and

“Reflection Attitude is a fascinating journey into the mind of one of the world’s premier innovators. Reading this book will not only expand your thinking on numerous topics, but it will teach you to be a better thinker.”

Skip Prichard, CEO, OCLC, Inc. and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Book of Mistakes: 9 Secrets to Creating a Successful Future

“Fascinating knowledge sharing of more than two decades of world innovations, John Patrick is a master at spotting early on. Through its blog style, Reflection Attitude allows us to make the time to reflect on their past, present and future impact, offering his unique set of insights.”

Jean-Claude F. Monney, Digital Workplace and Knowledge Management Advisor, Former Chief Knowledge Officer, Microsoft.

“Imagine being able to go back in time and then look into the future having the benefit of having experienced the future? John does the next best thing by looking at what he wrote 20+ years ago when many things we take for granted today were very early ideas at the time. He does a remarkable job of retrospectively looking into his crystal ball.”

Dan Ignatuk, Private Financier

“Reflection is serious thought. Reflection is a mirror returning images and ideas. John Patrick in his new Attitude book provides both in a provocative and illuminating consideration of themes, trends, and important developments that he has shared over many years. The wide range of his insights is so impressive and energizing.”

James Neal, University Librarian Emeritus, Columbia University, Past President, American Library Association

“This book is a review of the prodigious body of published work that John Patrick has produced over a long and very successful career. The breadth of subject matter and the depth at which it is addressed is quite amazing and reflects John’s extensive knowledge and experience in many fields as well as his wide range of interests. Most of us would be unable (or unwilling) to lay out our recommendations and predictions on an array of complicated issues over the past 30+ years and then provide a candid critique of how correct we were about each. John has done that and produced an enviable track record. It makes for a fascinating read.”

E.K. Bolton, Global Investment Adviser

Reflection Attitude is now ready for purchase on Amazon. Just click the book cover above or the Amazon icon below. The book is available in paperback or on Kindle. I have priced both versions at $9.99 for early promotion. The book has twelve chapters on a range of topics — something for everyone! I hope you enjoy it.