JRP Reflecting

Reflection – written April 5, 1997

Since I had an early Sunday morning flight to London to attend a meeting of the Global Internet Project and give a talk about the future of the Internet, I decided to take my wife to the city for the weekend. First stop was the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We visited theBizantium Exhibition. It was quite spectacular. I can’t say I am very knowledgeable about art but I do appreciate it. I recently added an art section to my Favorite Places to reflect some of the things I have experienced. We had a delightful dinner in the Trustees Dining Room at the Museum and then drove to the Hilton Hotel at John F. Kennedy Airport. On Saturday morning we took a ride over to the International Arrivals Building at JFK so I could stop in at the Immigration office and apply for an INSPASS card. Being the gadgets ‘R Me person that I am the chance to get a high tech way to speed through the immigration line at JFK on return trips from abroad was irresistible The INSPASS card lets you bypass the normal passport checking process and instead simply swipe your INSPASS card and insert your hand in a scanner for a biometric verification of who you are. I’ll be trying this on my return from the Paris ceo conference later this week. We stopped for some pizza and a beer and then met some friends for a Broadway play, Chicago. Wasn’t my all time favorite but some of the music and dancing were quite good. After the show we visited the New York City Public Library. If you haven’t been there, this was an incredible place. Fantastic exhibit of the creation of the first printed Bibles and numerous paintings that I had not seen before. The rotunda was like being in Venice or Rome or Paris. On the way to dinner we stopped by Rockefellor Center and watched people ice skating. Couldn’t resist stopping in the Metropolitan Art Museum store there and buying a few gifts for special people. It is a wonderful store if you haven’t been there. We had dinner at Rene Pujol, an old favorite around 51st and 8th Avenue. Don’t believe anything bad you hear about New York City. It is a beautiful place to visit the cultural side of the world.