It’s All About Attitude
Marketing programs are underway. The key to success for the “It’s All About Attitude” book series is 5-star reviews. Health Attitude has a lot of very positive reviews but they are not current. I hope readers will post reviews on Amazon for all six books. Don’t be bashful. I still have a few promo codes for a free Audible copy. No signup required. If you are interested, just drop me a note at [email protected].
President Zelensky comments after Rammstein meeting…
Today is the day of Ramstein – and defense news for Ukraine, which our diplomatic marathon brings week after week. Not everything can be announced in public – what is being talked about in Ramstein. It is a closed-door discussion – and it should be.
In general, we can conclude that today’s Ramstein meeting will strengthen our resilience. The partners are firm in their attitude – they will support Ukraine as much as necessary for our victory.
Yes, we will still have to fight for the supply of modern tanks, but every day we make it more obvious there is no alternative to making the decision on tanks.
I thank all partners who firmly supported the Ukrainian position in the discussions that took place.
Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
IIt was 14 years ago when the first Bitcoin block was mined. Despite numerous doubters, haters, and premature obituaries, its performance has been quite impressive.
Even after the first block was mined, it took awhile for the coins to have a market price. There was a transaction in October 2009, where 5,050 coins were sold for $5.02, giving each Bitcoin a price of roughly $0.00099. Since then the price is up around 1,690,706,971%. Not bad. Jamie Dimon continues to bash Bitcoin. This week he said it has hyped up fraud. I continue to believe the criticisms from banks is related to the billions of dollars of fees banks collect from status quo old-fashioned processes potential threatened by cryptocurrency.
Wall Street
The NASDAQ has continued to make strong gains for three weeks in a row. It closed at $11,140. The 52-week high was $14,647, so it has a long way to go. Small tech seeing gains. Big tech seeing some also with all the GAMMAT stocks up and back up above $7T. Bitcoin at $22,350 as I write this. It seems to be following NASDAQ. Tech is laying off a lot of people after starry eyed growth visions and over-hiring. Tech is still the future and the solution to many of the world’s problems.