There is an overwhelming amount of information out there about Covid-19, more than anyone can read. Bill Gates wrote in his Gates Notes a post he calls “The first modern pandemic“. If you found Bill’s comprehensive post interesting, you may want to listen to the podcast with him on the Ezra Klein show.

You can follow the curves and projections by country or state at Monitor the number of new cases and deaths by country or state at the Coronavirus Dashboard.

The How We Feel app is gaining momentum. The number of people using it has more than doubled in ten days. Just 4.4% of people are not feeling well. It seems simple, but to researchers the data is powerful and it will help in contact tracing efforts. Donate your data to help scientists track the virus. It is completely private. No login required.

If you don’t have the app yet, get it here for Apple or here for Android.

As of mid-afternoon Friday, Tesla market capitalization is up $20 billion to $142 billion. The five giant tech company market caps climbed another couple of hundred billion for the week. Quite a bit higher than at the end of February. All five companies are global, but to put their massive valuation into perspective, it now represents 20% of the market cap of the U.S. S&P 500. Shareholders are happy but government regulators and politicians are gearing up for new regulations. I believe pressure on big tech will continue to mount.

MAGFA Market Cap (05/08/20 3:45 PM)
S&P 500 1/31/20$26.720Trillion