The weather rained on their parade this past week, but today will be a really big one for astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken. They arrived in Florida last week to prepare for their launch into space in Crew Dragon atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The launch will make space history as the first private launch vehicle to put humans into orbit. The mission will be the first NASA spaceflight to depart from American soil since NASA retired its space shuttle fleet in July 2011. I can’t wait to watch the proceedings this afternoon.


On Thursday, I was privileged to participate in a fireside chat with Bob Reby, “How to Strengthen Our Democracy in Troubling Times”. A few dozen people attended the Zoom webinar. Bob and I discussed the following :

  • Voting with Paper or Internet: Which is more secure, accurate, private and verifiable?
  • How the U.S. can use blockchain technology to safeguard ballots from hackers and foreign adversaries
  • Cautionary Case Studies: What went wrong and how mistakes could have been avoided
  • Success Stories: Internet voting in foreign countries and pilot programs in U.S. states

The How We Feel app continues to be important to help scientists track the virus impacts. It may prove a digital approach can work, or at least help. The app is completely private. No login required. If you don’t have the app yet, get it here for Apple or here for Android.

As of Friday’s close, Tesla market capitalization continued to climb and finished at $155 billion. Zoom reached a market cap of $50 billion. The five giant tech company market caps maintained their meteoric level. All five companies are global, but to put their massive valuation into perspective, it now represents 23% of the market cap of the U.S. S&P 500. Shareholders are happy but government regulators and politicians are gearing up for new regulations and anti-trust hearings. I believe pressure on big tech will continue to mount.

MAGFA Market Cap (05/29/20 4:30 PM)
S&P 500 4/30/20$24.140Trillion