The Covid-19 curves are bending at different rates depending on country, state, and county. You can follow the curves by country or state at healthdata.org. Unfortunately, the deaths curves are continuing to rise. The healthdata site shows the projections. You can monitor the number of new cases by country or state at the Coronavirus Dashboard.
In last week’s e-brief, I wrote about how Zoom works nicely for family gatherings. I got an email from Khris Hall, Selectman from the town of New Fairfield, CT. She pointed out Zoom has allowed towns such as New Fairfield to continue to move forward with required processes, such as producing, publicizing, taking comment, finalizing the annual budget, and reviewing plans for new school buildings. She said, “We would be frozen without this tool.”
On Wednesday evening, Doug Maine and I presented “The Origins of the Internet” in a Zoom event hosted in the Virtual Playhouse of Bedford, NY. Doug and I were both involved in the early days of the Internet, circa 1993-1995. Doug was CFO at MCI and I was VP of Internet Technology at IBM. Twenty-six attendees connected and we had a robust Q&A session for a half-hour after our presentations. Zoom is not the same as being there, but we will all get used to video chats as a way to remain connected to learn and share.
The Founders Hall event for May 15 will be rescheduled to the Fall. Other author events are under discussion.
Date | Event | Time | Location |
June 11, 2020 | Meet the Author | 7:00 PM | Ridgefield Library |
May 15, 2020 (to be rescheduled) | Meet the Author | 1:00 PM | Founders Hall |
Arpil 15, 2020 | Origins of the Internet with Doug Maine and John Patrick | 7:30 PM with Zoom | Virtual Playhouse |
March 19, 2020 (to be rescheduled) | Community Forum | 11:30 AM | AdventHealth Palm Coast |
February 14, 2020 | Health Attitude with John Patrick | 8:30 AM | Senior Provider Information Network |
February 6, 2020 | Tech Talk 9 with John Patrick | 1:00 PM | Hammock Dunes Club |
November 14, 2019 | Meet the Author | 1:00 PM | New Fairfield Senior Center |
October 9, 2019 | Housatonic Habitat for Humanity Robotics Night | 5:30 PM | Crowne Plaza Hotel |
August 29, 2019 | Meet the Author | 5:30 PM | The Boiler Room |