
Friday was my Flu shot day. I waited 30 days after the Moderna booster to reduce possibility of side effects. Doctors are split on whether to get them at same time or not. The biggest vaccination campaign in history is underway. More than 6.42 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries, according to data collected by Bloomberg. The latest rate was roughly 27.3 million doses a day. I still hear some people say they are waiting. I cannot imagine what they are waiting for.

Great Video

Steven Paul Jobs died October 5, 2011 in Palo Alto, CA. Ten years ago. He was just 56. I remember how sad I was that day. I spoke with Steve once in mid 1990s. He was super smart. Steve is labelled as an American business magnate, industrial designer, investor, and media proprietor. He was much more than those words say. His designer visions are what made Apple the most valuable company in the world. Tim Cook has done a great job keeping the vision alive. He posted a great video about Steve on Thursday. You can watch the short video on my Twitter feed. Click the picture.  

3D Printing

3D printing has come a long way and continues to improve. My new Dremel 3D45 was 60% the price of my previous printer and is an order of magnitude faster and with better accuracy. Current projects are printing pumpkins. If interested, you can see a collection of 3D objects I have printed here. The art and science of 3D printing is still not perfect at the hobbyist level. You can see my botched objects here.


William Shatner, who is 90, will become the oldest person to fly to the edge of space aboard Jeff Bezos’ New Shepard rocket. The bad news for Jeff is his lawsuit to prevent SpaceX from getting an exclusive contract for travel to the moon failed. Musk on a roll. Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic got clearance from the FAA to continue flying to space. It was another bad week for Boeing. Its Starliner is still not ready for a test flight to the ISS. NASA reassigned 2 astronauts from the Starliner to SpaceX’s Crew Dragon. Yet another boost for Musk. After a private secondary stock sale by insiders this week, Musk’s SpaceX is now the second-most valuable private company in the world, behind only China’s Bytedance.

Wall Street

MAGFA stocks and many other tech stocks continue to be volatile and are getting hammered in some cases. The MAGFA stocks are valued at nine trillion dollars. Governments  attacks are on the upswing but I continue to believe the techs will survive and thrive.


Crypto made a comeback after the new pressures from China. I still don’t think crypto can be killed. Entrepreneurs are reinvent how things work to make it more attractive. I believe we will see things migrate out of China’s reach. There are now 12,500 crypto currencies and the total value of them all is over $1 trillion, almost 21% of the market cap of gold.