
The WHO has a dashboard which shows what is going on country by country. Globally, as of  December 17, 2021, there have been 272 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 5.3 deaths, reported to WHO. A total of 8.3 million  vaccine doses have been administered. Studies continue to show more than 30% of the population are still unvaccinated. Omicron is not as deadly but hospitals are still filling up and some are stopping elective procedures. 75% of the hospital cases are unvaccinated.


On Saturday, Dec. 11, Blue Origin launched former NFL star and “Good Morning America” co-anchor Michael Strahan to space along with five others on a record-breaking space tourist flight. NASA announced a new class of ten astronauts. Probably 75 engineering and science degrees among them. The big upcoming event will be the launch of the Webb telescope. Within ten days. It will reveal things never seen before.

Wall Street

Tech stocks still taking a big hit because analysts think the values were too high and a de-risking is needed. Some of them have begun to bounce back. I remain bullish on tech. Might take some time to get strong again. GAMMAT stocks are still above $10 trillion and 28% of S&P 500. Apple got close to $3 trillion and will come at again. Meme stocks are still amazing. AMC, for example, was up 20%. Why? Spiderman brought some viewers into the theaters. I was in an AMC theater Friday night to see West Side Story. There were 14 people in the audience. Maybe AMC can make it on its $7 Cokes and $10 Popcorn.   


Crypto overall stable and still at $2.2 trillion and 20% of gold. Dogecoin got a boost when Elon Musk said Tesla would accept Dogecoin for merchandise items. I tried it no Dogecoin payment option was available. Guess they are working on it. Bitcoin is a much better choice. I remain bullish overall for crypto.