
On March 3, there were 51,708 cases and 1,882 deaths. There were 41,063 in hospitals.

The WHO dashboard shows what is going on country by country. Globally, as of  February 11, 2022, there have been 430.2 million confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 5.9 million deaths. In the U.S. there have been 76,613 new cases in last 24hrs. The cases are in decline and deaths finally in decline because of the time lag. On Thursday there were 2,908 deaths in the U.S. We are at 10.4 billion vaccine doses administered. The unvaccinated continue to be at high risk for hospitalizations and deaths.


On Thursday morning, March 3, SpaceX launched 47 Starlink satellites from Cape Kennedy.

About nine minutes later, the Falcon 9’s booster rocket came back to Earth and made a vertical landing on an autonomous droneship a few hundred miles off the Florida coast. The successful landing was the 11th for the booster.


Reflection Attitude

I made no progress on Reflection Attitude this week due to competing priorities. Hope to get back to it next week. 

Wall Street

The market took a beating for 4th straight week, as Ukraine war weighs heavily. All six GAMMAT stocks fell but still at $9.5 trillion. The other tech stocks all fell, some heavily. They have a really long way to go to get back to where they were. Some may not fully recover but for the most part, I remain bullish on tech, large and small.


I sent $500 of Bitcoin to @UkraineBTC on Wednesday. As of Thursday afternoon, the Ukrainian have received more than $35 million of cryptocurrency donations. The government said it is accepting the donations toward its military as Russia’s invasion continues. I don’t have any data on this but I have no doubt many Ukrainians converted their savings to Bitcoin. The Russians can take away people’s homes and schools but it cannot take away their crypto.