
Subvariants BA.1.1, BA.2 and BA.3 are being monitored carefully. These more contagious versions of omicron are beginning to spread in U.S. It is still really important to get vaccinated and boosted.

The WHO dashboard shows what is going on country by country. Globally, as of  March 24, 2022, there have been 474.7 million confirmed cases of COVID-19. The death toll now exceeds 6.1 million. U.S. deaths have finally slowed down to less than 1,000 per day and are now at 966.6 thousand. Global vaccinations are at 10.9 billion doses administered.


NASA has rolled out its new moon rocket. It is roughly a decade late and $10s of billions over budget. NASA just announced it will use SpaceX’s starship to land astronauts on the moon. That seems like the best bet to me but NASA is opening the moon landing to competition. Unfortunately, some politics has crept into the equation.

Reflection Attitude

I made some more progress on Reflection Attitude this week. Added another two articles in Robots chapter. 

Wall Street

The market and tech experienced volatility but are doing pretty well. d a nice rally. The GAMMAT stocks are up to $10.3 trillion. The other techs were all down but I remain bullish on tech, large and small.


Crypto was strong and has risen back to $2.0 trillion, 16% of market cap of gold. It looks a lot like 1995 when the Internet was spawning new ideas every day. That is what is happening right now with Web3, NFTs, DAOs, FinTech, and DeFi. Many of the ideas will flop but the sea change looks very real to me and I remain bullish we are moving toward a digital economy.