
To know what is really going on in Ukraine, use the Telegram app. You can find it in the Apple app store or the Android play store. (To learn more about Telegram, visit Telegram is the fastest messaging app on the market, connecting people via a unique, distributed network of data centers around the globe. The Russian government is unable to shut down Telegram. The Russian people can use Telegram to see a continuous stream of information telling the story of what is happening in Ukraine. It is much more granular than what you may see on cable news. Today, Telegram reported 21,200 Russian invaders have been killed in Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale invasion.


BA.2 now accounts for nearly all cases. It is about 50% to 60% more transmissible than omicron, but it does not appear to be more severe. Hospitalizations and deaths are what we should be looking at, but we still need to be cautious because cases are growing. There were 700,097 in the last 24 hours. The number is probably low because of more in-home testing without reported results.

The WHO dashboard shows what is going on country by country. Globally, as of  April 22, 2022, there have been just over a half billion confirmed cases of COVID-19. The death toll now exceeds 6.2 million. U.S. deaths have finally slowed down to less than 1,000 per day and are now at 982.3 thousand. Global vaccinations are at 11.3 billion doses administered.

Space reported, “A Ukrainian space tech startup postponed its dream of going to the moon to counter the ongoing Russian invasion. Lunar Research Service was about to ship its first batch of nanosatellites to Kickstarter backers, but priorities changed rapidly after the Feb. 24 event. The company has now donated nearly 17,000 satellite batteries to the Ukrainian military to power flashlights, radio transmitters and other equipment.”


Reflection Attitude

Some progress on Reflection Attitude this week. A new story for the Health chapter. Some editing.

Wall Street

The market is even lower in the dumpster.  The ten-year is up to 2.9%. Tech is paying the price. The six GAMMAT stocks were all down and total $9.4 trillion. The other techs are way way down. I remain bullish on tech, large and small but it is going to be a wait.


NFTs are quite the rage. You have to be carefull because some of the artwork is fraudulent or stolen. I purchased some new crypto domains this week. See below. What am I going to with them? Not sure yet. Stay tuned. I also have a bid in on a digital artwork nft on the Nifty Gateway. I will share it with you if the bid is successful.

Domains purchased for a total of $140. 



