Reflection Attitude

Reflection Attitude published on August 22 and is now live on Amazon in both print and Kindle. Both versions have an introductory price of $9.99. Reflection Attitude is part of the “It’s All About Attitude” series. You can see the entire series with information about each of the seven books here. Now comes the hard part — marketing. I found a gentleman in North Carolina on the Upwork freelancer site. He is going to help me develop marketing materials and ads on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Amazon. I will share how that is going in the weeks ahead. One of the key elements of the marketing plan is the Attitude LLC page on Facebook. It will become my book store with links to Amazon for each of the books. If you use Facebook, please add a Like for my Attitude LLC page. It will start getting better every week.


The price tag for Russia to continue to destroy cities and towns in Ukraine is very large. The scorecard from the battlefields is probably not completely accurate but the numbers are staggering. If Russia was to have a scorecard of what they have destroyed in Ukraine, it would include kindergartens, high schools, universities, libraries, arts centers, clinics, psychiatric centers, hospitals, individual homes, grain elevators, apartment complexes, shopping centers, and civilian infrastructure. In addition, 383 children in Ukraine have died due to the Russian invasion, and these numbers are not final – because there is no data from a huge number of occupied territories. More than 750 children have been injured, many severely.



According to T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert, there are more than 500,000 square miles (nearly twice the area of Texas) of dead zones, areas not covered by any cell phone network, across the country. Many of these dead zones are in topographically diverse landscapes where cell phone signals are obstructed or in remote areas of the country. Not places you’d want to be if there is an emergency. Without a terrestrial signal from a tower the only way to communicate electronically, provided you have a clear view of the sky, is via satellite. This has long been possible from providers like Iridium, which currently operates a constellation of satellites, but only with a specialized phone that has a bulky antenna.

In late August, T-Mobile announced they’ve partnered with SpaceX to provide satellite coverage to all T-Mobile subscribers starting next year using the Starlink v2 constellation, which will be launched into orbit on the yet to fly Starship currently in development. This is quite extraordinary as this capability will work with existing phones, no special antenna required, effectively eliminating the dead zone. Other satellite operators, cell phone manufacturers, and mobile carriers are working to provide the same type of capability. The recently announced iPhone 14 has a feature called “Emergency SOS via satellite”, which uses a similar service provided by Globalstar, which currently operates their own constellation. Initially, these services will only support brief text messages for emergency use, but maybe one day you’ll be able to send a selfie from the top of a mountain or in the remote wilderness.

– Aaron J. Patrick


Crypto had a nice rally on Friday. Innovation is alive and well but sorely needing some light regulation. Axios reported investments in blockchain and crypto companies from venture capital, private equity and mergers and acquisitions has totaled $14.2 billion through the end of June 30. This about half the pace of last year but still substantial. 

Mid-term elections will have an impact on crypto. I hope we elect people who are knowledgeable about crypto. There are dozens of bills pending. Crypto is not going to go away. We need Congress to get its act together so the innovation ahead does not move to Europe and Asia.

Wall Street

What a nice rally. Nice to see green pretty much across the board. Gammat stocks approaching $9 trillion. Apple at $2.5T after a great set of product announcements. My deep purple iPhon 14 Pro Max will arrive on Friday. I remain bullish on tech and bearish on abilities of Congress.