Net Attitude has shipped from Perseus to the retail channel. I have already received emails from friends saying they were able to buy it at their local bookstore and others who got shipping confirmations from Amazon. Here is the link at Amazon. I appreciated the numerous signups for my email list here at but now that the book is out I will be using the web log as a way to communicate and let readers provide feedback. I was at the Agenda Conference this week and showed the book to many of my friends in the industry. On Friday 10/18 I will be going to Tampa, Florida to give a talk about Net Attitude and from there to California, Paris, and Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I’ll keep my schedule as current as possible here in the blogs.

On Monday 10/22 I will be at a Wine and Cheese gathering at Fitzgerald Communications, 55 Francisco Street, Suite 70, in San Francisco. The event is hosted by my friends at Truste. If you are interested in attending contact Dave Steer at [email][email protected][/email]. I am looking forward to sharing Net Attitude in discussion with people around the world and especially in getting their feedback here at
Update Mar. 15, 2013 – has been discontinued.