FutureScan: The Future of Mobile

DEMOfall 2006 Coverage, San Diego
Day 1 – September 26, 2006
Parts excerpted from briansolis.com and prnewswire.com

DEMOfall 2006 began on September 25, 2006 with rehearsals, pavilion setup and a presenter’s briefing, and event reception at 6PM. Day 1 (Sep. 26) began with a welcome and opening remarks by Chris Shipley, Executive Producer, DEMO Conferences, followed by morning session presenters (each presenters had only 6 minutes to show the world how they will change it). DEMOfall’s afternoon general session on Day 1 hosted a continuing conversation about the mobile future. DEMOfall demonstrators launched onstage a series of applications and development platforms for the most ubiquitous of mobile devices: the cell phone. DEMOfall attendees also benefitted from an in-depth FutureScan panel (the first of two held at DEMOfall 2006) on the future of mobile computing, moderated by John Patrick, president of Attitude LLC. This panel explored the technical challenges that stand in the way of a truly mobile future.

Chris Shipley – Mobile technology has infused our daily lives, and it is fundamentally changing the way we interact with information – and with one another. John Patrick invites leading entrepreneurs and researchers to explore the technical challenges that stand in the way of a truly mobile future. What will new devices look like, and how will we interact with them? Will small screens and tiny keypads be replaced by new interface technologies? When, if ever, will mobile phones pass desktop computers as our primary interact to information and services?.

John Patrick, President, Attitude LLC

Tom Jacobs, Director of Research, Sun Microsystems Laboratories, & Project Lead, Open Media Commons, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Juergen Urbanski, General Manager, FON North America
Joseph Ziskin, Vice President, Corporate Strategy, IBM Corp.& CFO, Metcomb Nanostructures

Original links for this story: http://www.briansolis.com/2006/09/live-from-demofall-92606/