
Skyline Wilderness park geocacheThe Magellan SporTrak Color GPS receiver said that the geocache at Skyline Wilderness Park in Napa Valley, California was 2,562 miles from home. The park is a private sector operation and the land is leased from the State. The Park is open to hikers, bicyclists and horseback riders. There are a large number of trails but they are not particularly well marked. The trail map isn’t very good either. The California Native Plant Society has an area where they cultivate native plants. The Martha Walker Gardens is known all over the State and is a popular place for school groups to visit. Signs at the trailhead warned of rattlesnakes and mountain lions, but the only signs of wildlife we saw were some wild turkeys, newts on the ground, and plenty of evidence of horseback riders. The cache was easy to find but it was a good workout to get to the higher altitude was it was located. The ziploc bag needs to be replaced with an ammo can.

  • Hiking Log
  • Photo Gallery : Geocaching in Napa – October 2003