Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

I added a couple of red Santas to the holiday 3-D printed collection. The Roly Poly Santa took 18 hours to print. As the festive season envelops us, I extend my heartfelt wishes to all my cherished readers. May this holiday season bring you an abundance of joy, love, and peace. Whether you gathered with […]
Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick

Will Robots Have Human Skin? by John R. Patrick Words: 532, Reading time: 2 minutes The traditional treatment for burns or extensive skin injuries has been skin grafts. This will be changing as scientists have made significant advancements in bioengineering which make it possible to grow patches of skin in the laboratory. The engineered grafts […]
Can Microrobots Cure Cancer?

Can Microrobots Cure Cancer? Source: Shape-morphing microrobots deliver drugs to cancer cells (video) – American Chemical Society Can Microrobots Cure Cancer? Written: February 2023 The risk of dying from cancer in the United States has decreased over the past 28 years according to annual statistics reported by the American Cancer Society (ACS). The cancer death […]
Can You Print More Than Snowmen?
3-D printing of Thanksgiving and Christmas pumpkins and snowmen has taught me new skills. Some of the objects are complex, especially the ornaments. Notice the tip of the red one. The gold bell has a working clapper inside. The big snowman (8 ” tall) required printing 18 separate parts with five different filament colors and […]
Robot Attitude Preface
The “It’s All About Attitude” Series just grew by one. I am working with Amazon to create a Series page with links to all the versions of all the books. Getting everything linked properly may take a week or so. In the meantime, I would like to share the Robot Attitude Preface with you. This […]