
Is There a Silver Lining in the Coronavirus Cloud?

One thing all the Coronavirus experts agree on is the virus will continue to spread for some time. One important question related to this is how contagious is the virus? The key measure is transmissibility, how rapidly the disease spreads. Transmissibility is indicated by its reproductive number, abbreviated as Ro and pronounced R-nought or r-zero. Ro represents the average […]

News from johnpatrick.com

Data Facts of the Week The coronavirus numbers are growing, but see my article, “Is There a Silver Lining in the Coronavirus Cloud?” If you like to follow what is going on in the coronavirus world statistically, take a look at worldometers.info/conronavirus. After the table of country by country statistics, the page shows the specific […]

News from johnpatrick.com

Data Facts of the Week This past week, the AP reported there currently are 17 times as many new infections outside China as inside China. If you like to follow what is going on in the coronavirus world statistically, take a look at worldometers.info/conronavirus. After the table of country by country statistics, the page shows […]

AI Can Help Manage Coronavirus

What is becoming clear about the coronavirus situation is it will not be contained. The question is what to do about it. The answer requires knowing where the virus will spread and when. The good news is artificial intelligence (AI) can provide answers now, and even more accurately in the future. Dr. Kamran Khan, a […]

What’s New?

Book #7: The response to the Survey Monkey so far is 4%. That is a very good response rate for surveys. Thank you for that. You are helping me select the next book in the “It’s All About Attitude” Series. So far, the vote favors Hobby Attitude at 57% with Algorithm Attitude at 43%. Thanks […]