‘Facebooking’ your doctor’s appointment

Agostina Giorgio of the Polytechnic University of Bari in Italy has published a very interesting paper about telehealth. The paper is “Social networks, apps and smartphones for telemedicine”. Giorgio sees telehealth as a nearly all inclusive solution for a large number of people. He has created an app called Care-App which allows private and secure communication between […]

Healthy Aging

The Winter 2016 issue of Healthy Aging Magazine includes a story I wrote for them. It is called Go Mobile For Better Health. The article is based on a peer-reviewed journal article called How mHealth Will Spur Consumer-led Healthcare. I discussed how new smartphone devices are enabling us to gather data about our health. I espouse people […]

Patient Generated Health Data

Numerous articles here and in Health Attitude have described mHealth devices which can gather data about our health. Devices ranging from FitBit to the Apple Watch can gather data about our steps and our heartbeats. The AliveCor sensor on an iPhone can capture ECG data about our hearts. The FDA has now approved more than […]

MedTech Chat with Dr. John Patrick: Healthcare Predictions

On October 30, I chatted about the future of healthcare with Abigail Esposito on WTWH Media. The interview was published on the Medical Design & Outsourcing website and it was also podcasted. Podcasts are becoming very popular as a way to share points of view. Many people listen to them on their smartphones. This particular podcast lasted […]

Health Attitude on Fox Business

It was a nice brisk walk at 6 AM for six blocks from the Hilton to News Corp headquarters on the Avenue of the Americas. The makeup artist did the best she could do with what she had to work with. I walked onto the set knowing I would have less than five minutes to […]