Health Attitude on Audible and iTunes

I am very pleased to announce audio versions of Health Attitude. It was a pleasure to work with John Edmondson, an outstanding narrator. You will find him pleasant to listen to — not too fast, not too slow. You can listen to a sample of the book here. If you would like to do an unbiased review […]

Health Attitude in Publishers Weekly

Health Attitude, published by Attitude LLC, appeared as a new listing in the May 18 issue of Publishers Weekly Select. The book will also be on display at the American Library Association meeting in San Francisco next month. Details about the book are here.

Survey Results

Thank you very much for the significant participation in my survey about the Attitude LLC blog. The results were loud and clear. 9% want the blog update monthly, 23% want a few times per week, and 68% preferred weekly. On the second survey question about length of content, 65% suggested a full page. Beginning at noon on […]

Health Attitude First Book Signing in New York

Health Attitude was published by Attitude LLC on Wednesday, March 18, 2015. The initial launch took place on Tuesday, March 24 at the 21st Annual Genesys Partners Venture Dinner at the Union League Club in New York. The first book signing took place the next day at the Agility First! Forum at The Standard in East Village, New York City. It was my pleasure […]

Health Attitude Tagline

Thanks for helping narrow down the choices for the Health Attitude tagline. I narrowed it down to three. Thanks!  Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare  Solving America’s Healthcare Crisis  How Attitude and Technology Can Solve Our Healthcare Crisis