
Polling I had planned to write more about Apple and AI this week, but another topic keeps pinging my brain. Polling. Political polling. No matter what source of news you might read, it is laden with poll information. Are they accurate, I wonder? How do they reach people? My goal in this post is to […]
What is Going on with Bitcoin?

What is Going on with Bitcoin? It is hard not to notice the dramatic rise in the price of Bitcoin. What is going on? It is a simple question with complex answers. In this blog post I will do my best to shed some light on the subject. I will start by sharing my history […]
News from johnpatrick.com – 02/17/2023

“It’s All About Attitude” https://www.johnpatrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/HEALTH-ATTITUDE-SERIES-LOGO-SPINNING-BOOK-WOODENDESK-24SECS-1920X1080.mp4 Health Attitude was the start this week. My marketing partner, Billy Wright, and I tried an Amazon promotional idea. We set the price at zero, and the books immediately starting “selling”, 241 of them. The theory behind the promotion is it will generate interest, people will tell others about the books, […]
News from johnpatrick.com – 02/10/2023

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky made a whirlwind trip from Ukraine to London, Paris, Brussels, and stopped over in Poland on the way back. As usual lots of thanks and lots of asks. His track record on the asks is quite good. In Brussels, he had the opportunity to meet with King Philippe I of Belgium. […]
News from johnpatrick.com – 02/03/2023

How a digital patient experience can lead to future outcome driven healthcare: thoughts for executive teams Dr. Al Villarin, Vice President and Chief Medical Information Officer at Nuvance Health in Danbury, CT, and I are members of the Nuvance Health Digital Patient Experience Executive Committee. What we are doing is identifying the pain points patients experience and develop […]