
Happy New Year to all. I believe 2017 will be a year full of great progress on many fronts. Here are some of the things I predict will happen: Artificial intelligence will become omnipresent, somewhat like java did 20 years ago. It will be part of all cloud services and devices. Virtual and augmented reality […]

College Students See Blockchain Voting In Their Future

Kaspersky Lab, a global cybersecurity company based in Massachusetts and the U.K., hosted a competition for college students interested in Internet voting. The motivation was in part due to recent concerns of rigged or hacked voting. Approximately 20 colleges across the U.S. and U.K. took part. A team from New York University took first place with a solution blending old […]

A Merry Bitcoin Christmas

If you purchased bitcoin one year ago today at $434, you would have seen a 100% rise. As of this writing on Thursday, December 22, 2016, one BTC$ is worth $868. The total value of all outstanding Bitcoin is now $14 billion, a small part of the world economy, but growing. Experts have different opinions […]

Where to Spend Your Bitcoin

The price of a Bitcoin is quite volatile, but it is currently double what it was a year ago. I believe the price will continue higher as more people get digital wallets and more merchants accept the digital currency. Coinbase, where I got my digital wallet, reported it now supports more than 43,000 merchants. If […]

Is Bitcoin Booming?

The word Bitcoin has often been associated with drug dealings and other nefarious activities where anonymity is important. Some pundits believe Bitcoin may fizzle, although they like the Blockchain technology which provides the infrastructure for Bitcoin and other crypto currencies. I am bullish on blockchain also, but feel Bitcoin may have a long life ahead […]