Blockchain: The Technology Foundation For Internet Transactions

On May 16, Jerry Cuomo, IBM’s Vice President for Blockchain, testified before the President’s Commission on Enhancing National Cyber Security. Cuomo said he believes the technology could dramatically change the way financial systems are secured and that government, technology companies and industries should work together to advance blockchain to enhance national security. IBM has some creditability in this area. Eighty years […]

It’s Still Early for Bitcoin

I first wrote about Bitcoin on January 8, 2014. (See all 33 stories). I continue to believe we are at the very early stage of development for the digital currency. Jacob Donnelly wrote an excellent article in his Cryppto Brief blog describing the past, present, and future of Bitcoin. See Here’s what the future of bitcoin […]

Bitcoin Alive and Well

Bitcoin had a very positive 2015. While there is growing support for blockchain technology, the underlying infrastructure which enables the bitcoin digital currency to operate, there are many skeptics about the currency itself. I remain optimistic and see bitcoin as evolving. Coinbase did a nice review of the bitcoin ecosystem and how it has matured in […]

2016 Could Be a Big Year for Bitcoin and Blockchain

It could be a big year for bitcoin and blockchain technology. The blockchain in particular is gaining a lot of supporters. Think of blockchain as a database which keeps track of bitcoin transactions. It has proven to provide high integrity. For example, if you have ten bitcoins, it is impossible to give ten bitcoins to […]

Will Blockchain Technology Reduce Reliance on Humans

I found this article very interesting. It discusses how computer technology is capable of achieving dominance because it rewrites the laws of how things work. The change is based on replacing things based on steel and paper  with something based on mathematics and science. The article describes how blockchain technology, the underlying infrastructure supporting bitcoin, represents an […]