Technology News

There is a lot going on in the world of technology. I look forward to sharing new stories on things I learn about in the fields of artificial intelligence, robotics, scientific discovery, medical research, healthcare, and much more. However, it is still November, and I cannot resist making some further commentary about the American election system. […]

Bitcoin: Is It For Real?

The following article appeared in the current issue of Sun and Surf Magazine. It was published in Palm Coast, Florida. Meanwhile, the Coindesk Consensus 2018 conference is underway this week in New York City. The interest level for blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies is strong. More than 7,700 attendees showed up to talk about these technologies. Experts and […]

Internet Voting With Blockchain

Kaya Yurieff, an associate writer focused on consumer technology for CNN Tech, interviewed me in February about Internet voting. Following are the first few paragraphs of her story which appeared online this week. You can do a lot on a smartphone, from depositing a check to ordering groceries. But here’s one thing you can’t do: vote […]

Online Voting Trial with Blockchain: Academics Say Yes

The BBC reported the Scottish Government is being urged to undertake trials of online voting. A group of thirty academics and non-profit leaders said online voting could lead to “modern democracy”. I could not agree more, as I wrote in Election Attitude – How Internet Voting Leads to a Stronger Democracy. The group of thirty acknowledged security […]

What’s Next For Bitcoin – Part 2

My friend Harris Miller, in Virginia, pointed out there was a $70 million bitcoin theft, which may have gotten lost in the news frenzy over the price rise. He makes a valid point, and I would like to make some further comments about the heist in this post. The $70 million of bitcoin was stolen from […]