What’s Next For Bitcoin

In February 1637, a single tulip bulb sold for more than 10 times the annual income of a skilled craftsman. Very shortly after the peak, the price collapsed dramatically. The build up became known as tulip mania. An article in the “Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics” used the term to refer to large economic bubbles […]

Internet Voting With Blockchain

One day last summer, I was reading news online and came upon an article in The Business Journals, a unit of American City Business Journals (ACBJ), the largest publisher of metropolitan business newsweeklies in the United States. The article, “How to increase voter participation and eliminate fraud with blockchain“, was written by Terry Brock. I found […]

Cryptocurrencies and the Scope of Bitcoin

I get a lot of questions about Bitcoin, and I do not claim to have the answers. However, in this post, I will try to clarify some facts, and offer a few opinions. Currently, there are more than 1,000 cryptocurrencies. The total market capitalization (value) of all cryptocurrencies now exceeds $150 billion. The value has grown dramatically, […]

Bitcoin and Blockchain

If you purchased bitcoin one year ago today (08-17-2017) at $570, you would have seen a 700% rise. As of this writing on Thursday, August 17, 2017, one bitcoin is worth $4,500. See the Bitcoin Price Ticker Widget below for the price as of the time you are reading this. If you are reading the […]

Hackers and Voting Machines

A number of readers have asked for a perspective on the news story about a Las Vegas conference where hackers were able to easily break in to 30 voting machines. First of all, despite the sensational headlines, the successful hacking should be no surprise. I wrote about this more than a year ago in Election […]