
Blogging and Spam Update

One of the ways that you can tell if a new Internet technology is going to be successful is to look for skepticism. When people begin to say the hype exceeds the reality, it means we are on the way toward the reality exceeding the hype. I am not referring to new business models that […]

Blogging Panel

The four Demo panelists and I are looking forward to our attempt tomorrow morning to reveal the big picture about blogging and where it is headed. In case you didn’t see the preview, it is here. If you want to take a look at what the participants and moderator have been writing about lately, there […]

Demo Blog

The Demo Blog is up and running, thanks to Chris Shipley of Demo and Mena Trott of Six Apart. Check is out at http://demo2004.blogs.com/weblog/

The Future Of Blogging

November was a busy month speaking with the media. Marcia Stepanek at CIO Insight magazine and I spent two hours talking about blogging. The focus was on the CIO and the enterprise, although the implications of blogging are much more broad and deep than just the corporate world. The interview was published under the title […]

What Goes Around, Comes Around

"What Goes Around, Comes Around" is an old saying. Blogging is making it more real than ever. On August 15 I published a short story about ENUM. A week or so ago, Ali Farshchian at CircleID wrote and asked if I would mind if they were to republish the story. I was happy to share […]