
Who Knows Who Knows

I have been fortunate over the years to have spent a lot of time with journalists. I consider them colleagues and have been able to maintain contact during my "e-tirement". Journalists are very focused on the issues and talking with them keeps me on my toes! They ask tough questions that really make me think. […]

Technical Upate

From time to time I feel a need to offer a technical update about things behind the scenes at my website. For those who are interested in music, motorcycles, or the big picture of where I see things going with the Internet, just ignore the updates. For those interested in the technical happenings, the updates […]

Astro Blogging

Blogging isn’t just for kids or IBM e-tirees. Now there are astro bloggers! The two Mars Exploration Rover mission spacecraft each have a LEGO mini-figure suited up for space, virtualized onto DVD’s, and attached to the spacecraft. The DVD’s also contain the names of four million people who signed up to be part of the […]

Bloglet Update – No.2

I apologize for having to apologize yet again to my bloglet subscribers! There has been a lapse in the email reminders that go out when I write a new story. A couple of weeks ago I changed my hosting provider (more on that in a subsequent story). I did not realize that this change would […]

Fall Calendar

Seems like the summers go more quickly each year. This one was a blur. Even though there was a lot of rain, I feel very fortunate. Hopefully, all of us with jobs keep the millions without jobs in our thoughts and prayers and do what we can to help those in serious need.