Healthcare Discussions Forum
A new friend in Florida invited me to give a talk about the Future of the Internet. Approximately 50 people came on election day for a buffet lunch and an informal talk with Q&A. My intensified interest in healthcare has caused me to orient most of the Internet technology examples toward clinical cases or health […]
Blogging Reflection
My friend Irving commented that he is not so sure about my conclusion in the BioEverything post that the trend toward The Singularity is underway. Irving may be right although the things going on in bioengineering seem to fit the pattern that Ray Kurzweil describes in his book. More on that another time. What got […]
I was browsing through Pulse on the iPad reading the news and happened upon my friend Irving’s post “Reflections on the “Post-Retirement” Phase of My Life“. It reminded me that I have been meaning to write something similar about my “e-tirement”, a term coined by Irving back in 2001 when I e-tired. Irving wrote his […]
Change of address: patrickWeb blog has moved
My first web site was started back in 1995 and was located at (IBM was kind enough to maintain the link when I e-tired at the end of 2001). People often asked me how I was able to get a web address so close to the top of the company. The best answer I […]
iPad – Part 4: What You Can’t Do
There are many things you can do with the iPad and we are only at the beginning — but there are some things you can’t do. Although I have been accused in jest that my enthusiasm for the iPad makes some wonder if I am on the Apple payroll. I am indeed very bullish about the […]