
Behind on the Blog

A colleague at a board meeting in NY this morning reminded me that I am behind in writing about what I learned in Rome. He is right, I am definitely behind but committed to write the stories previously outlined. So much to do, so little time. e-tirement is challenging!


I greatly appreciate the readership and feedback from those who visit patrickWeb. Readers "visit" in one of three ways. Most use one of the many blog readers that are available. The Opera browser is a good choice — it has a very nice built-in RSS (blog) reading feature. When you click on the orange XML […]

Babel Of Business

We have all read the "hype" about blogging over the past few years. More recently there was a story saying "Blogged Out — The Fad May Be Fading". The reality is that the reality is bigger than the hype and we have only seen the beginning of the blogging revolution. I have no doubts that […]

Two New Books

Two new books arrived this week that may be of interest. Naked Conversation – How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel is very timely with all that is going on in the world of blogging. I know Robert from Microsoft. He has been active in evangelizing […]

Miscellany – 01-06-06

Just back from sunny Florida. When we left Palm Beach Gardens on Thursday it was 84 degrees and blue skies. It was a bit cooler when we got to Palm Coast and St. Augustine Beach. There was construction everywhere — condos, homes, malls, highways, and infrastructure. Seems like a "bubble" is a legitimate concern. The […]