Brazilian Adventure – Day 7

No trip away from home is complete without looking for a geocache. According to, there are 130 in the State of Sao Paulo and several within a few miles of the hotel. The one I set out to find is called A Grande Árvore – São José dos Campos and it was less than a mile […]

Brazilian Adventure – Day 6

After simmering down a bit over dinner following the unbelievable bureacracy trap of the day, Bill, Mark and I decided to take a ride on Saturday up to Campos do Jardao and check out what things were like at the higher elevations of the State of Sao Paulo. The ride was at least an hour […]

Brazilian Adventure – Day 5

We started the day with optimism but got an ice cold shower when we learned that the FAA had found an “issue” at 2 PM the prior day (and did not notify anyone until late morning the next day). The “issue” was that the paperwork about the company buying the airplane showed that the company […]

Brazilian Adventure – Day 4

The Embraer team must have worked all night — by mid-morning of Day 4 they had cleared 80 of the 103 squawks on the Phenom 100. Mark Stear of JetQuik continued his due diligence working with Marcelo while Paulo ramped activities on the paperwork side of the process. The steps ahead were to sign off […]

Brazilian Adventure – Day 3

Captain Bill Minkoff already had 100+ hours of flight time in the Phenom 100 but I think he was as enthusiastic as I to take the plane for a workout. And a workout it was. The initial climb to 41,000 feet took about a half hour. Once at a reduced speed, Bill put down the landing […]