Drug Makers Putting Profit Before The Elderly
The Medpage Today staff reported this week on a CNN investigation of Nuedexta, a drug approved for PseudoBulbar Affect (PBA). The investigation found PBA is being marketed aggressively to the elderly as a therapy for dementia. Even though independent studies indicate PBA is only rarely associated with dementia, Avanir, the drug’s manufacturer, has spent millions of dollars promoting […]
Big Pharma and Politics
At a rally in Kentucky, President Donald Trump said drug prices were “outrageous”. The next day, according to Kaiser Health News, the pharmaceutical industry donated more money to political campaigns than any other day this year. On March 21, eight pharma political action committees made 137 contributions to 77 politicians totaling nearly $280,000. Both Republicans and […]
Congress Puts Drug Lobbyists Ahead of Those They are Supposed to Represent
As I have written in Health Attitude: Unraveling and Solving the Complexities of Healthcare, there are many problems with the American healthcare system. The number one problem is the high cost. It is not the cost of the insurance, it is the cost of delivering the healthcare. Billions of dollars are spent on legal fees to […]
What the Next President Should Do: Healthcare Common Sense
The 2016 election is over, and a top priority for the new administration and Congress is healthcare. The candidates discussed little substance about healthcare during the campaigns, despite the fact it is approaching 20% of our economy and touches every American. You could say the problems in healthcare have been caused by action by one […]
Can Texting Boost Medication Adherence
One out of two Americans has a chronic illness. One out of four has two or more chronic illnesses. Chronic illness accounts for half of all deaths, and represents 75% of American healthcare cost. One of the challenges of treating the chronically ill is medication adherence. When people don’t take prescribed medications, the cost of […]