Common Sense From the AMA
The American Medical Association today called for a ban on consumer advertisements for prescription drugs. I cited this as a major problem in Health Attitude in March and was really pleased to see the AMA make the common sense proclamation. The AMA cited a number of reasons for their decision. Here are my six reasons why the ban should […]
Mornings With Maria
Maria Bartiromo is very interested in healthcare. I was fortunate to be able to discuss the subject with her and her team at 6:40 AM this morning (November 2, 2015) on Fox Business. It is hard to explain much in five minutes but, hopefully, I was able to add some value to the topic. Maria’s […]
Why is health care so expensive?
As published in the Danbury News-Times and on Sunday, October 18, 2015 There are numerous factors contributing to our high health care cost, including unnecessary tests and procedures, the high cost of drugs, fraud, lack of tort reform, inefficiency, and lack of standards. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), signed into law […]
Why Are Drugs So Expensive?
Currently, the fastest growing cost in healthcare is coming from double-digit growth in the cost of drugs. The cost of drugs is a significant burden for millions of Americans. Some believe the root cause is greed, but I believe the root cause comes from Congress. When the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan was passed […]
Are Drugs Too Expensive?
The subject of drug prices is making the news much more frequently. An opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal this week pointed out drugs are only 10% of the cost of American healthcare. My research indicated it was closer to 15%, but even at 10%, the cost approaches $400 billion. The article was written by […]