
Canadian Internet Voting

The anti-Internet voting activists are hard at work to preserve the status quo and scare politicians and Secretaries of State. They use papers and presentations to convince those who are responsible for elections in the American States and Canadian municipalities to believe “never is too soon” for Internet voting. As discussed in detail in Election Attitude […]

Internet Voting On Trial: Problem or Panacea for Democracy?

On Monday, I will be flying to New York to attend the 23rd annual Genesys Venture Dinner at The Union League Club. This year, there will be a special pre-dinner Forum called “Internet voting on trial: Problem or Panacea for Democracy?” Following is how the organizers describe the Mock Trial and Forum. When 100 million eligible […]

Is Vote By Mail Better?

Senator Wyden of Oregon has proposed a national vote by mail system under a partnership with the United States Postal System. The proposal would eliminate the current electronic voting machines. I respect the goal of reducing the high cost of maintaining the old fashioned approach of paper ballots and scanners, but I think we can do […]

Voter Fraud – The Silver Lining

Numerous stories have appeared in the media about some aspect of our voting system. Politicians who did not win usually question the accuracy of the voting system or suggest they lost due to fraud. The President suggested there were millions of fraudulent votes in 2016. Although I do not believe there was any significant voter fraud, […]

College Students See Blockchain Voting In Their Future

Kaspersky Lab, a global cybersecurity company based in Massachusetts and the U.K., hosted a competition for college students interested in Internet voting. The motivation was in part due to recent concerns of rigged or hacked voting. Approximately 20 colleges across the U.S. and U.K. took part. A team from New York University took first place with a solution blending old […]