Home Attitude – Video Clip #2
This is the second of seven video clips about Home Attitude. I really appreciate the eight 5-star reviews on Amazon. I have ads running on Amazon and Google, and will be starting a Goodreads campaign in January. Kindle and Print are still running about neck and neck. It was a pleasure to present all four […]
HamletHub Is All About Local
The word “local” is at least as powerful and important as the word “attitude”. We all care about what is going on in the world, but we care at least as much about what is going on where we live, in our local communities. HamletHub recognized the importance of local some years ago and built a […]
Home Attitude Now On Kindle
Home Attitude is off to a good start with three 5-star reviews on Amazon. The book went live on Amazon last week, and the Kindle version became available on Thanksgiving. The introductory price is $4.49 for the Kindle version, but I may change it to $9.99 later. All four Attitude books are now available in print […]
Apple Face Recognition
As usual, the Apple Keynote, which introduced the new Apple Watch, Apple TV, iPhone 8, iPhone 8+, and the iPhone X was done with great marketing aplomb. Apple executives acted like a great team and executed their usual: Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told […]